Welcome to the home page for the Southwest Florida Amphibian Monitoring Network


The Southwest Florida Amphibian Monitoring Network represents a diverse group of citizen volunteers organized for the purpose of monitoring amphibians (mostly frogs) in southwest Florida. Click here to learn about Frogwatch.net.


Squirrel Treefrog Video

Hyla squirella (Squirrel Treefrog) video calling in the flooded meadow on the 2014 inaugural Frog Watch night. In the background, you can hear a persistent short loud "peeping" this is Gastrophryne carolinensis (Eastern Narrow-mouthed Toad), an occasional loud "tick-tick-tick" that sounds like two pebbles or marbles being hit against each other this is Acris gryllus dorsalis (Florida Cricket Frog), and you might be able to hear others!

Click here to see and hear a Squirrel Treefrog calling.
Video and text by John Herman, Ph.D.


Frog Watchers strategizing at the 2013 season kick off meeting

Jeremy Conrad, Dan VanNorman, Benjamin Dion, Becky Speer holding KestrelŪ 3000 pocket weather meters funded by the River, Roots & Ruts Trail Run 2013 Grantlet.

Green treefrog © John Cassani

EARS OPEN: David Burr (1951-2007)
Listens to frogs off State Road 82 east of Fort Myers.

Frog art on this site is provided courtesy of Stephen Koury.  To see more of his award winning nature art visit his site at www.skoury.com.

Need more information?  Want to listen to some frogs?  Contact the BigFrog@FrogWatch.net





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